Undergraduate Laboratory at Berkeley

Physics and Astronomy

ULAB is an undergraduate-run lab at Berkeley committed to helping students find research opportunities on campus. The lab aims to help students develop crucial research skills through student-led research projects, various workshops on topics such as python and statistics, and numerous opportunities to interact with graduate students and faculty. Through interactions with mentors, graduate students, and professors, students receive consistent, constructive feedback on their work throughout the semester.

During my senior year, I served as the Research Director, overseeing 64 total students, 12 mentors and 52 mentees. Students completed nine research projects spanning topics in physics and astrophysics, such as building a radio interferometer to measure the CMB, computer modeling the mixing of ISM gases, and an interdisciplinary project in biophysics on simulating nanoparticles and call back methods. In addition, we collaborated with on-campus groups on department-wide workshops for undergraduates, such as basic circuitry and introductory LaTeX. Finally, we worked in partnership with astrophysics and physics department advisers and administration to create a budget sufficient for all experiments, outreach, and educational activities throughout the year.

During my junior year, I served as a mentor to three sophomore students, leveraging the research experience in astrometry I had gained as a community college student at Grossmont College under Dr. Philip Blanco. The students completed a research project on the flux-weighted luminosity relationship in blue stars, concentrating on skills including visualizing and weighing data, introductory astrophysics concepts, and becoming familiar with various catalogs and methods to queue data. My mentees presented at the physics departmental poster session at the end of the year.