Advancing Space Sciences through Undergraduate Research Experiences

In 2021, ASSURE, an REU (Research Opportunities for Undergraduates) hosted by SSL, was selected for funding and accepted its first cohort since 2017. The cohort was chosen to prioritize first-generation, community college, and otherwise underrepresented students. For ten weeks, we had ten students pair up with a research scientist at SSL or Stanford (through COFFIES). Although COVID restricted much of the in-person aspect, an on-campus poster session was held on the outdoor patio of the building. Students were also able to attend AGU#21 in New Orleans, LA.

In February 2022, ASSURE was selected to run again in the following Summer. This cohort presented at Winter AGU in Chicago. Currently we are preparing for ASSURE 2023's cohort.

In determining the REUs programming, I encouraged the use of programming tutorials, support for developing research paper comprehension skills, and other skills I found lacking in my peers and my curriculum. I also supported the REU by serving as a member on relevant panels and a "discussion starter" in some of our planned lunchtime discussions.
If you are interested in applying, or learning more about the REU - please click here. Note that applications usually open in mid January.